Blog posts
Running commands in parallel in multiple folders using tmux
January 2024
Running an LLM locally
November 2023
i3 tips and tricks
November 2023
Ruby on Rails on Caprover
June 2023
Adding reference with different model name in Rails 7
October 2022
Vimium chrome extension shurtcuts
March 2022
Upgrade rails app to sprockets 4
November 2021
JSbundling and esbuild in Rails 6 application
October 2021
Increase postgresql performance for development
October 2021
Change vim and terminal theme variant with a single command
March 2021
Replacing Google Analytics with Plausible Analytics
January 2021
Migrate Rails app to Haml
January 2021
Use sprockets for javascript in rails 6
December 2020
Daily journal script
December 2020
Install Vim from source on Ubuntu
August 2020
Adding reference with different model name in Rails 6
June 2020
Migration from OSX to Ubuntu part one
January 2020
Goodbye Disqus
October 2019
Using webpack-bundle-analyzer in rails
October 2018
New design: Bulma.css vs. Bootstrap
October 2018
Running only failing tests with RSpec
September 2018
Speeding up Rails deploys to Heroku
August 2018
Adding reference with different model name in Rails 5
March 2018
Replacing Poltergeist/PhantomJS with Headless Chrome
December 2017
Migrating from React-on-rails to Webpacker
May 2017
Learning React - Resources
June 2016
Faster Android Development part 2
April 2016
Faster Android Development
February 2016
Ruby on Rails Memory Profiling
July 2015
Life is a Trello Board
March 2015
Previewing emails in Rails 4
February 2015
Treat your resume as code
January 2015
Going Freelance
January 2015
Profiling RSpec tests
December 2014
Accelerated learning
October 2014
Rails with PostgreSQL on Docker using Fig
August 2014
Deploy Rails with PostgreSQL to Dokku
July 2014
Breaking down Rails 2 using plugins
July 2014
Ruby installations on steroids
March 2014
Improve your posture with these exercises
January 2014
Work on multiple branches with Git workdir
October 2013
Faster Git workflows
October 2013
Migrate Rails to JRuby on Heroku
November 2012
Show Rails environment in Pry
October 2012
Ignore specific requests with VCR
June 2012
Radical Feature Justification
May 2012
Import Heroku databases locally
April 2012
Metrics driven development
March 2012